Chaos of War, Balance of Life: A Soldier’s Journal from Afghanistan


Sergeant William Henry Higginbotham III of the 173rd Airborne Combat Brigade, 2-503rd Scouts, was known affectionately as Higg or Hippie. After wartime, he wanted to be called Will. His mantra throughout his time at home was “Life is good.” He would often say, “Life without challenge is a farce.” His wish for this world was that all people could live in peace.

Will died tragically in a helicopter crash in May of 2013. Prior to his death, he had begun the journey to publish this journal that he wrote for his mother while serving in Afghanistan. Terri Kennedy, Will’s mother, published this journal as a way to honor her son.

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Chaos of War, Balance of Life is one sergeant’s story throughout his deployment in Afghanistan. Vivid emotions that Will Higginbotham could not share with his men, instead, were shared in both prose and artistic sketches to his mother.

Often penned in the stark aftermath or impending prelude to battle, this journal is a haunting and powerful tale of the struggle during wartime to do one’s duty, yet to remain human.

Higginbotham’s hope was that this journal be used for good—for veterans who need to know that they are not alone in their feelings and thoughts, for new soldiers who have not yet experienced war, and for families and friends of veterans who want to know what their soldier may have experienced.

Dedicated to all veterans (past, present, and future), with special recognition to those who have given all and for those who have suffered battle wounds and scarring that may or may not be visible to the naked eye.

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