Dr. Hellemn’s All-Natural Weight Loss


Michael Hellemn is originally from New Orleans. He worked for many years as an electrical engineer in diverse areas like satellites, children’s education, and telecommunications. After a successful engineering career and a couple of patents, he became tired of the corporate world. At age thirty-nine, he went to medical school at UT Southwestern Medical School in Dallas and completed a residency in Family Medicine. He currently practices in Texas. Michael has two grown sons. When not nagging patients about obesity, he likes to travel, fish, and scuba dive. Hunter (2002–2015) was born in Texas with six brothers and sisters. When not working on diet books, he liked to take long walks and chase small animals.

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Are you having trouble controlling your weight? Cholesterol?

Just months before graduating from medical residency, Michael Hellemn was diagnosed with high cholesterol. He was prescribed a medication, but he knew from his medical experience that conventional medical guidelines of checking labs and taking medications were not likely to keep him healthy. He decided to try some natural alternatives first. Within six months, his cholesterol was perfect, and he was back to his high school waist size. He felt twenty years old again.

As a practicing physician, Dr. Hellemn treats many patients for obesity, high cholesterol, and diabetes. He gives his patients the options of following the current medical guidelines or taking his all-natural approach. Many of his patients have been confused by the overwhelming amount of health advice and hype in the media. With clear instructions from Dr. Hellemn on the natural approach, his patients have reached their goals. Now Dr. Hellemn is sharing his methods with the public in Dr. Hellemn’s All-Natural Weight Loss, a simple and often humorous guidebook to help you improve your health without medications.

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