Immaculate Consumption: The Path to Lifelong Weight Management


As a licensed clinician with more than thirty years of experience in the field of weight loss and weight management, Deena Solomon, PhD, has helped hundreds of clients meet their weight loss goals. She previously served on the California Board of Behavioral Science Examiners and held the title of expert examiner. She resides in Santa Monica, California. Visit her website at



Did you know that the $600 billion-a-year global weight loss industry has a 95 percent failure rate for weight loss sustainability?

Immaculate Consumption: The Path to Lifelong Weight Management offers a scientifically based weight loss program designed to empower dieters to achieve long-lasting results. After years of yo-yo dieting and spinning wheels trying various commercial diets, author Deena Solomon was unhealthy and emotionally disheartened. She realized the traditional weight loss methodology — blind adherence to rules, forbidden foods, mandatory compliance — failed to adequately prepare dieters to adapt to the ever-changing temptations, often leading to an unrecoverable relapse.

The Immaculate Consumption method is refreshingly different. There are no forbidden foods or abstinence-only models. Using real-life, relatable interactions with former clients to illustrate her methods, Dr. Solomon asks dieters to become scientific researchers into their own food habits and psychology, enabling them to take personal responsibility for their eating habits in a positive way. And with a documented 84 percent success rate, the Immaculate Consumption model has proven successful in maintaining long-term weight loss.

Learn how to:

  • Be the competent and proactive captain at the helm of your own journey
  • Use scientifically valid empirical evidence and apply it to your own custom weight loss plan
  • Profoundly change your relationship with food
  • Effectively use tools such as scientific observation and food ledgers to guide you during both everyday and anomalous meal situations
  • Shed the persistent shame and guilt from having “failed” at other commercial diets

This revolutionary new approach to weight loss may help you shed those extra pounds for good.

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