Speaking Better French: More Key Words and Expressions


Saul H. Rosenthal

SKU: 9781604941807 Category:


This second book of key words and expressions gives you more of the absolutely essential words you’ll need to know to navigate everyday French conversation. For example, it would be very difficult to get through a single day in France without hearing each of the words truc, bise, and Pardon ! at least once.

Well, these words are all here, and lots more, like défense de, foutu, drôle de, and en liquid. The use of each is discussed and illustrated with examples. After reading this book you will not only recognize these key words if you see or read them, but you will also be able to use them correctly yourself.

This book will be a pleasure for you. It’s one of those rare finds, a book that is both very useful and fun to read!

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