The Minute Method: It’s Life Changing! Realize Your Full Potential


Carla R. Mancari is a teacher, life guide, and retreat leader. She has traveled worldwide for more than ten years, studying with Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist masters. She has been a guest on the Larry King Show. Carla is available for talk radio and colleges.

SKU: 9781604948608 Category:


You are reading this. Why? Are you just curious? Whatever the answer is, you did not just happen upon it. You want something. You have heard a call, and you are responding to an invitation. Spirituality can be realized, enabling you to live a life of balance, joy, and contentment. It merely comes down to quickly and easily accessing your Spiritual Heart Center.

Would you like to connect with your own spirituality? By practicing the Minute Method, you may find you are no longer caught up in the chatter of this world. You may realize your strength is within. Discover your Spiritual Heart Center, and in doing so, know the secret to fulfilling your potential.

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