The Au Revoir Of An Enormous Us Collected Poems by Frank Iosue


Frank Iosue has studied poetry and creative writing with a number of nationally-renowned and prize-winning poets. He is the author of eleven chapbooks of poetry and has received recognition for his work from the Academy of American Poets, the Arizona State Poetry Society, and the Arizona Statewide Poetry Contest Committee. He was a finalist for the 2002 Stephen Dunn Award.

Since leaving a career in Marketing after the death of his wife in 1999, and returning to his poetic roots, he has conducted writing workshops and has organized and hosted a number of monthly poetry reading series. He has also been a featured reader at numerous venues around Southern Arizona. He lives near Tucson, Arizona.

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A poem is an arena of apprehensions and associations; a “psychic ecosystem” unto itself, bounded, artificed and amplified through craft and language.

Experience, emotion, imagination, intellect and artistry — in a unique, uneasy marriage between what’s thought and what’s felt — cohabitate on the page, expressly for the end of approximating (and, hopefully, achieving) the most resonant and illimitable expression of a poetic “reality”.

In my poems, I seek to create experiences that destabilize and scavenge ordinary perception, and transform the “apparent” into epiphanies of revelation and realization.

This collection contains the inventory of my life’s poetic journey. The joys, sorrows, memories, and reveries; the people and places, the histories, and the voyages of imagination that populate these pages, form my testament to a world, whose presences, and absences, have accompanied me, and formed the fragile scaffolding for the little empire of my existence — an intensely-felt world of a self, of an I, intimately environed and occupied by a brilliant otherness of those, and them, and it and you . . . An Enormous Us!

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