Basics of Meditation: The First Steps to Changing Your Mind and Your World


Julia Ferganchick Hilton, PhD, earned advanced degrees in writing, language theory and philosophy from the University of Arizona. She taught university-level philosophy, writing, and linguistics courses, and gave national presentations about language theory and practice during her career as a college professor (1992–2001).

Julia’s nationally-funded research focused on the nature of language acquisition and the influences of technology on literacy. During this time, she also started a small business, a café/bookstore, which she ran successfully in Little Rock, Arkansas.

In 1999 she survived a major airline crash, which set her on a new course of study about how we deal with trauma and life.

Julia began a serious practice of meditation in 2005. She completed the Asian Classics Institute’s extensive program of Buddhist philosophy, and traveled to Europe, Asia, and India to further her studies. In 2007 she spent two months volunteering and studying in a remote monastery of the Kagyu lineage in eastern Tibet.

She completed advanced studies in meditation and eastern philosophy at Diamond Mountain University, and has completed certification in the Yoga Studies Institute Classics of Yoga and Tibetan Heart Yoga programs.

In 2006 she began teaching meditation regularly both in her hometown of Tucson, Arizona, and throughout the world. Julia specializes in teaching meditation practices that are accessible and beneficial to a wide range of people who seek to improve their lives.

Julia cared for her husband, Charles Hilton, after his diagnosis of terminal cancer in 2012 with the help of home hospice. During that time, Julia herself was diagnosed with breast cancer and the BRCA 1 gene mutation. She underwent a radical double mastectomy in April 2013. She now uses her experiences as a cancer survivor and meditation as a basis for her writing, which can be found on her blog:

Contact Julia at:

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In its most basic form, meditation is very simple. But it is also a deep and complex practice that can take years of study to understand and even more to master. This book, the first in a series intended to give a thorough explanation of meditation practice and practical applications for the modern world, will introduce you to the basics of meditation.

While most information available about meditation comes down to us through the world’s great religions, meditation taught as a secular practice is accessible and helpful to everyone, regardless of religion, race, or ethnicity. Meditation is powerful enough to shed its religious robes and walk out into the world on its own so that it can benefit people of any religion or belief. This book will help you start a powerful and profound practice of working with your mind.

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