Gone: Short Stories


Tom Lyons has lived and traveled extensively in the Middle East, and has taken many overland trips to Asia, Africa, and South America. He has published two novels, Oink and Tune, along with two short story collections: Bent and Gone.  In addition, Lyons has produced the noted documentary Secret Egypt.

SKU: 9781627871822 Category:


Tom Lyons shines a light on humanity in all its bizarre ugliness in his new short collection Gone. Joining Bent, a short story collection published by Lyons in 2009, Gone exposes the underbelly of humanity and the forces that drive people through their dangerous world. Read how an American girl vacationing in Mykonos is thrown into a hapless adventure that changes her life forever, and how a rebel living among the ruins of society has to fight for his survival. Find out what happens to a Marine recruit when he is sent to patrol the streets of Kandahar, Afghanistan. Set in locales around the world, these direct and intriguing narratives tell of the personalities behind the headlines. The common thread throughout is the twisted, outside forces that compel each character through the events laid before them. Gone, as the title suggests, is a step into the unknown.

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