Jefferson’s Wall


Jonathan Neff is the author of Power Play, an action thriller available at and other online booksellers. The many personal and professional interests that inspire and inform his stories can be found on and

SKU: 9781604946154 Category:


A promising Iranian-American law student is mysteriously snatched from the Harvard commons and forced into a dark, dangerous world of international espionage….

A statue of Moses and the Ten Commandments is erected on a courthouse lawn in Texas, sparking legal conflict and ethnic violence….

When veteran Washington journalist Jason Palani is charged to investigate these events, he discovers a hidden agenda driven by Washington powerbrokers bent on changing the face of America. Probing deeper, he finds himself on the run from deadly forces, with few options and only a small cadre he can trust: a senior senator, a Secret Service agent, and a Justice Department lawyer with whom he shares an attraction. Jason and his team race desperately to expose the conspiracy before the election of a president controlled by unseen and sinister forces.

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