Play Winning Tennis with Perfect Basic Strokes: Book Two


Julio Yacub, MEd, BS, is a native of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and holds a master’s in education and a BS in biochemistry with specialties in DNA research and human movement. He was a world ranked professional tennis player and a former member of the Israeli Davis Cup team. For the last eighteen years he has been coaching and helping hundreds of tennis players achieve their tennis dreams.

Julio’s driving-force motto, “every day is to improve,” takes him all around the world to participate in tennis workshops and conventions, constantly acquiring new knowledge and then passing that knowledge on to his students.

SKU: 9781604940534 Category:


With dynamic drawings, easy to follow diagrams, and written in outline form, Play Winning Tennis with Perfect Basic Strokes focuses on a variety of principles to improve the quality of your game.

This book is designed for beginners to tournament-level players who are looking for self-improvement through a visual learning method and simple words, without cutting corners.

Play Winning Tennis with Perfect Basic Strokes will show you:

  • How to create sound strokes
  • How to serve and return like a pro
  • How to impart different spins on groundstrokes
  • How to win the points with effective volleys and overheads
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