Put Your Spirit to Work: Making a Living Being Yourself


Deborah Knox has used and shared the information and tools gathered in Put Your Spirit to Work for over thirty years. She is passionate about serving individuals who are eager to make a difference and use their greatest talents for the most fulfilling rewards and sustainable, balanced lifestyle. See more at her website, http://www.lifeworktransitions.com

SKU: 9781604946604 Category:


Are you dissatisfied with your current job? Are you confused and overwhelmed by the employment picture? Is it important to you that you feel good about yourself and make a difference in the world? Do you want guidance you can trust?

Put Your Spirit to Work: Making a Living Being Yourself will help you gain clarity about the kind of work you want to do. By undertaking this journey, you’ll develop the confidence and enthusiasm you need to take practical steps toward significant life changes.

The information, resources, and tools in this book will help you successfully navigate your career-and-life-work journey in the new world of work. As a result of completing this process you’ll be able to:

  • Understand who you are and what you want in your life work
  • Navigate an ever-changing job market with confidence
  • Move steadily toward a career goal or passion
  • Create a career path that enables you to sustain a balanced lifestyle

If you’re looking for meaningful work, this book is for you. Start now, and make a living being yourself.

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