The Bard of Withering Heights: Nostalgic Truths, Observations, and Wisecracks About Life in Small-Town America


The Bard and the residents of Withering Heights are the creations of Tom Cordell, a retired educational television producer and practicing author. Happily dividing his time between Arizona and Southern California, Tom now avoids work in favor of musing or playing bad golf. He is very good company if you are buying lunch.

The characters of Withering Heights also come alive through superb illustrations by Bernie Kapuza. Bernie is a multitalented industrial illustrator, marketing guru, and graphic artist who lives outside of Chicago. The Bard is forever grateful to Bernie for his friendship, impish wit, and visual humor.

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Like Camelot, Avalon, or Neverland, Withering Heights is an idyllic spot nestled between fantasy and reality. It is a timeless place that reflects life in small-town America, past and present . . . a humorous collection of thoughts and feelings, wit and wisdom, and enduring truths of human nature.

As the resident narrator of life in Withering Heights, the Bard is a mischievous observer and commentator. Scorning political correctness, the Bard prefers mingling with the quirky characters in his little town and musing about life, love, and human behavior.

Come in and take a stroll around Withering Heights. You’ll find things to laugh about and think about, and you might just recognize someone you know!

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