The Stone Circle


Anthony Tuck lives in Northampton, Massachusetts with his wife, Michele, and his children, Maisie and Jasper, who are not actually telepathic twins, but are certainly capable of getting into a lot of real-life mischief. Tuck is a professor of archaeology and classical myth.

SKU: 9781627873079 Category:


Professor Winslop’s lessons on mythology are the worst. But are his stories really just myths? When Maisie and her twin brother Jasper discover a Stonehenge-like monument in the woods of New Hampshire, they find themselves caught in the middle of something much darker and more dangerous than they ever imagined. Shamans, intent on bringing about a world-wide apocalypse, are planning to break through the veil between reality and myth, and the twins are the only ones capable of finding the weapon to stop them.

With only days before the Winter Solstice, will Maisie and Jasper be able to stop the rising tide of evil?

Reminiscent of Escape to Witch Mountain, The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Wizard of Oz, The Stone Circle will entrance and bewitch readers through to its final climax.

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