Thinking of Miller Place: A Memoir of Summer Comfort


Ethel Lee-Miller, a native of Long Island, New York, is a retired teacher and counselor, now author and writing coach with more than four decades of educational and counseling experience. She is a longtime member of Toastmasters International, and also the author of Seedlings: Stories of Relationships. Her books and speeches serve as a basis for her “edu-entertainment” programs and writing workshops. When not writing or reading, she enjoys traveling, dancing or hiking with her husband, “Finn,” and friends in Tucson, Arizona.

SKU: 9781627872942 Category:


In my memory . . . I am in a place where I can still, if only in my daydreams, take off my shoes and run barefoot up the hill.

Relive the magic of childhood in Ethel Lee-Miller’s stories of summers spent at her grandfather’s home in Miller Place, a town on the northeastern end of Long Island. Away from mysterious adult worries, Ethel and her identical twin enjoy carefree days diving in the waters of the Long Island Sound and nights chasing fireflies.

Coupled with their adventures are the wondrous people the twins come into contact with: the sophisticated and graceful French woman who greets them at the beach with a warm smile, the fearless neighbor boy who initiates them into his tribe, and their loving father who takes time away from his busy work schedule to construct and fly kites with them.

With her “Finn” always by her side, Ethel savors childhood innocence while coming of age and forming secure, lasting ideals about love, beauty, home, and family. Even today, Ethel has only to think of Miller Place to claim a sense of comfort, serenity, and belonging.

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