I make a lot of lists and, frankly, they have gotten out of hand lately. Grocery list in the pocket. To-do list for home improvement at home in a drawer. To-do list for the Wheatmark website on my work computer. A list of books I want to read on my home computer (but I’ve forgotten which folder). A list of topics to be discussed in our next Authors Academy event … in a Word file somewhere. A list of things I want to accomplish this year … well, that list is in the back of my brain, waiting to be typed up.

A few weeks ago I realized I couldn’t keep all of my lists straight and said, “Enough!” That’s when someone introduced me to Workflowy.

It changed my life. My list-making life, that is.

Workflowy is a free online application that lets you turn your whole life into one giant list. Instead of maintaining ten different lists (one for groceries, one for a presentation outline, one for your book outline, one for goals, etc.), you are maintaining a single list, albeit with many different sub-lists. You can zoom in on the specific list you want to work on so you’re not distracted by all your other lists.

Try it for a few days and I guarantee you’ll never look back. Visit www.workflowy.com to get started and to see how it works. Then tell me if this is NOT an amazing resource!