

Jack B. Rochester published over a dozen nonfiction books before returning to his first love, fiction. His author’s website is He is the founding barista of, an arts website publishing poetry, fiction, photography, fine art, and creative audio and video. Its Coffee Club members reside in thirty-nine countries around the world.
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Set amid the tumultuous days of American dissent against the Vietnam War and worldwide student protests, Anarchy brings Tim Rosencrantz, from Wild Blue Yonder, back into Nathaniel Hawthorne’s life with evil and disruption. Tim, an SDS member, avowed communist and anarchist, has had a transformation on the bombed-out streets of New York and is now a full-fledged member of Weatherman. Bent on bombing America to its senses, he wants Nate at his side. Nate, although anti-war and intellectually sympathetic, is unwilling to participate in Tim’s anarchy — until, that is, Tim blackmails him. Their lives become an antagonistic pas de deux as the stakes rise: They try to remain collegial while despising each other’s lifestyle. Unknown to Nate, the FBI has Tim and Crystal, his naive teenaged moll, under surveillance. As Tim and Crystal plot the bombing of a Bank of America, everyone realizes this cannot end well — but just how badly they cannot imagine.

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