The Princes of Albion


Jon Hopkins holds a degree in theology and has more than forty years of experience providing care to teenagers and families in distress as a psychiatric youth care coordinator, church youth pastor, and a secondary school teacher. Jon lives in Kansas and has five grandchildren. He plays the mandolin and guitar, and chases tornadoes for fun.

Thomas Hopkins, MD is a board-certified family physician who has been practicing medicine for more than thirty years. He is married, lives in Missouri, and has two grandchildren. He plays the banjo, photographs bears in the wild, and likes to dress up in period attire and shoot his six-shooter in cowboy action competitions.

Yes, Thomas and Jon Hopkins are identical twins.

SKU: 9781627873154 Category:


Within the soul of every man is the desire to be loved by one’s father. Throughout history, this primal urge has resulted in epic and violent acts of betrayal, poetic expressions, loyalty, and dramatic twists of fate and fortune. From Oedipus to Othello, father-son relationships have represented story lines in literature that have altered the arc of the world’s civilizations and shaped our modern definition of what it means to be a man.

The Long-Aimed Blow, Book One: The Princes of Albion eloquently and graphically depicts an ancient world of dark forests and dusty streets where family dynamics and human passions collide in explosive episodes of rampant tyranny. It’s a universal and timeless story of individual egos and generations of pride. Prince Caradoc, not bound by rules, honesty, or reciprocation, is a vengeful son and violent father. He embarks on a ruthless life of reckless ambition that delivers him and his extended family into a fearful journey filled with political intrigue, deadly revenge, and a hope redeemed in the age of the Roman invasion of Britain in 43 AD.

Combined with light-hearted adventure, learning to deal with pain through imagination, spiritual hope, and incorporating deep underlying themes of love, kindness, and friendship, The Princes of Albion is a heartbreaking story told from the deepest hearts of people everywhere.

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