Frankly Speaking About Widowhood: Dealing with Loss and Loneliness


Beth E. Wallace has been a believer in Jesus Christ since the 1960s and has taught adult Bible study for almost thirty years, yet she has grown more in her Christian walk during this period of widowhood than any other time in her life. Her sisters, children, and grandchildren all live in different parts of the country, so she has had to learn to rely on herself and make new friends. Beth has joined a new church where she is hoping to serve her Lord and her community. She lives in Tucson, Arizona, with her little cocker spaniel, Molly.

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Beth E. Wallace married her best friend when she was twenty-seven years and ten months old. They were married twenty-seven years and ten months when she lost him to cancer. Sometimes she thought her life had ended, and sometimes she wished it would, but God had other plans for her.

In Frankly Speaking About Widowhood, Beth offers a hand to Christians who are traveling the path of loss. While everybody deals with the same heartbreaking emotions when a loved one dies, Christians often feel guilty about them. Do anger, frustration, and loneliness mean you don’t believe your spouse is in a better place? Have you rejected God’s will? Beth gently assures you that such feelings are normal and talks about how you can allow God to help you heal . . . without trying to suppress your own grief.

Adjusting to widowhood is one of the hardest things you’ll do. But hearing from someone who has been there—and made it through—will provide the encouragement you need to begin rebuilding your life.

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