Heaven on Eartha


Daisy M. Jenkins, Esq., is president of Daisy Jenkins and Associates and a retired human resources executive with more than forty years of experience in the defense and health care industries. She has written two previous novels, Within the Walls: A Journey Through Sexism and Racism in Corporate America and The Green Machine, which captures the devastation of the mass imprisonment of Black males. Jenkins has also published several articles in The Root, Ebony.com, and the Huffington Post, including “Pro Athletes, Big Winners and Losers When the Career Clock Goes to Zero”; “The Roberts Court Gave Affirmative Action Its Last Rites, It’s Up to Us to Revive It”; “Justice Department’s Anti-Smoking Efforts Exclude Black Media”; and “Teaching Black Girls to Be Beautiful.” She is a woman of faith and a staunch education advocate, and she mentors diverse professionals across the country. Jenkins and her adorable husband, Fred, have been married for fifty-four years and have two sons and ten amazing grandchildren.

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On a historic space mission, five female American astronauts soar into the galaxy, only to discover that their intended destination has mysteriously changed to an unknown planet. They land on Planet Eartha, which is very similar to Planet Earth, except its population is 98 percent female and it’s ruled by ten powerful female leaders known as Supreme Highnesses. These women use their superpowers as part of their mission to address concerns on Earth, including social injustice, mistreatment of underserved populations, religious hypocrisy, and exploitation of young girls.

When the Supreme Highnesses decide to bring five of the worst offenders from Earth to Eartha for a period of reckoning, they designate the astronauts to help fulfill this mission. These five evil individuals, who become known as the Travelers, believe they are selected for the journey to Eartha through a lottery sponsored by America’s National Space Center. They think they’re the luckiest people on Earth — until they arrive at their destination and discover what the Supreme Highnesses have planned for them. Will their sins come back to haunt them in painful, unimaginable ways? Can they even survive the retribution that awaits them on this powerful, unfamiliar planet?

The ultimate lesson the Travelers learn is one that all people on Earth today would do well to heed: Never underestimate the power of women on a mission to bring justice to those who have used inequality and exploitation for personal gain.

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