Seedlings: Stories of Relationships


Ethel Lee-Miller, a native of Long Island, New York, is a retired teacher, a writer, and a member of Toastmasters International with over three decades of educational and counseling experience. Her first book, Thinking of Miller Place: A Memoir of Summer Comfort (iUniverse 2007) depicted idyllic childhood summers with her identical twin. After moving to Tucson, Arizona, with her husband in 2009, she resumed her love affair with words through personal essays and short stories. When not writing, Ethel can be found hiking, dancing, reading, and enjoying being with people.

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We are defined by our relationships. From seven-second meetings with strangers to lifelong bonds among family members, relationships nurture us, challenge us, and teach us not to take ourselves so seriously. Seedlings: Stories of Relationships pays tribute to those connections, honoring the friends, neighbors, spouses, coworkers, siblings, and passing acquaintances who bring meaning to our lives. You’ll meet:

  • Big Al, who has to enlist the help of an ex-lover when he’s imprisoned by childproof locks.
  • Catherine the dental hygienist, who eases her patients’ anxiety through humor and flattery.
  • Three-year-old Casey, who proposes a noble sacrifice that will allow her to spend more time with her daddy.

Some of the stories in this collection are fictionalized; others recount real-life happenings just as they occurred. All serve as entertaining reminders to treasure the people who share our journeys.

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