Social Rules! For Entrepreneurs and Small Business: A Common Sense Guide to Social Media Marketing


Paul Slack

Remember the days of Lycos and AltaVista? Paul Slack does; he cut his teeth as a web marketing consultant during the dawn of the internet revolution in the 1990s. As new digital technologies have changed the global business environment ever since, Paul has been able to put them into practice for clients.

In 2000, Paul used his expertise in search engine marketing and search engine optimization to found WebDex Media Group, a Dallas-based firm that provided strategic planning, SEM/SEO, web-based lead generation, online public relations, and customer acquisition programs.

Paul and WebDex also quickly became expert in the use of social media tools to help connect clients to customers—an effort that continues with the acquisition of WebDex by Splash Media in 2010. Since the merger, Paul has helped Splash Media become one of the fastest growing, most experienced social media marketing firms in the country.

In early 2012 Paul added the title of president of Splash Media U, taking the reins of his company’s social media marketing training and certification program. He is also in demand as a featured speaker on social media and search engine marketing. To connect with Paul via social media:

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Why this book? There are plenty of books about social media marketing on the bookstore shelves; what makes this one different is that Paul Slack cuts through the hype and gets down to business basics that can come only from hands-on business successes. Paul speaks the language of business owners and CEOs and creates efficient and effective methods for capitalizing on social media marketing.

Social Rules! provides strategic dos and don’ts and helps you determine how to implement the best tools. Whether you do this in-house by utilizing a current employee or hire a consultant to help you accomplish these goals, you’ll learn the optimal rules of engagement and how to measure results.

With Social Rules! you will understand and apply your new-found knowledge to answer these questions:

  • How does social media relate directly to my business marketing?
  • What are the best practices in social media and how can I use them effectively?
  • Why is it so important from the consumer perspective?
  • How can I effectively shift my advertising budget from nontraditional marketing to social media?
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