The Snow Lion: A Spiritual Journey


Ann Mitchell, JD, MA, LPC, conducts international workshops for individuals and families. Her workshops are designed to enhance individual, family, and community peace. She lives in Arizona. You can contact Ann via her website,

About the Illustrator

Mano Sotelo has always had a passion for drawing and painting. His illustrations have appeared in magazines, book covers, and product development, and he has exhibited his work in juried and invitational shows. Currently, Mano is an instructor at the Art Center Design College in Tucson, Arizona. You can contact Mano via his website,

SKU: 9781587369834 Category:


Not so long ago, a young and very curious girl lived in a snow-covered mountain village. Like everyone else in her village, she loved the Snow Lion. Like everyone else in her village, she prayed to the Snow Lion. But because she was so curious, she wanted to SEE the Snow Lion.

The sacred stories said that if the villagers sang the sacred songs, read the sacred books, and went to the place of prayer and learning, someday they would see the Snow Lion. So that’s what the little girl did.

But one day the girl heard the Snow Lion’s voice . . . and what the voice told her took her by surprise.

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