The Taylors’ Civil War


Lowell F. Volk retired from General Dynamics as a manager of software engineers. He lives in Pleasant View, Colorado with his wife, Mary Lou. A member of the Montezuma County Sheriff’s Posse, Volk travels to Wild West events and Civil War reenactments, hunts deer and elk, and enjoys time with their five children.

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The South is calling for men to support the cause, and Jake Taylor answers. Joining General Jackson as a scout in the Civil War, Jake leaves his wife and five children, putting his Virginia farm in the hands of his three sons.

But the war’s skirmishes creep beyond the battlefield and hit the farms, now absent of men. Renegades dressed as Union solders raid the Taylor farm and kill one of the sons. Luke Taylor, the oldest, sets out to find his father while visions of revenge churn in his mind. In his travels, he stumbles upon the renegades and begins to work out his version of justice. Will he succeed? And more important, will revenge satisfy?

Book One of the Luke Taylor Trevor Lane Series, The Taylors’ Civil War drops the reader into the midst of the Civil War — in battles fought by soldiers on the field and by those left behind, all of whom would rather be living simply and peacefully while honestly providing for their families.

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