A Robin’s Snow


Barbara Briggs Ward is a writer living in Ogdensburg, New York. She is the author of the beloved Christmas trilogy featuring The Reindeer Keeper, Yahoo’s Christmas Book Club’s December, 2012 Book of the Month; The Snowman Maker, released October, 2013, and The Candle Giver, released October, 2015. Her short stories have appeared in the Chicken Soup for the Soul books, Christmas Magic and Family Caregivers, plus Ladies’ Home Journal, Highlights for Children, and The Saturday Evening Post online. Barbara has been featured at Target Book Festivals in Boston and New York and on Mountain Lake PBS. Barbara invites you to visit www.barbarabriggsward.com; on Facebook under The Reindeer Keeper; on LinkedIn under Barbara Ward.

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While curious of the world outside her Amish community, Annie Finley’s love for her husband, Daniel, and their son, Jacob, is why she’s content to stay. A devastating accident one stormy night changes that, propelling Annie beyond those boundaries. With the help of two women who sell Annie’s quilts, she learns those responsible for the accident are ruthless owners of a newspaper dynasty who’ll do anything to keep the presses running. A plan is devised enabling Annie to shed her simplicity and travel to Philadelphia where she infiltrates that dynasty, moving amongst them as one of them until the moment when she must make her move—a move with grave consequences reaching all the way to the White House in a fight over the Second Amendment.

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