Be Your Own Salmon: An Allegory with 25 Lessons for Swimming Upstream in the Wild River of Life


Thomas S. Dittmar

SKU: 9781627870603 Category:


“Any last words of wisdom?” I asked Sal.

“Respect others,” The mighty king salmon implored. “Do not deceive them. Deception is a sign of disrespect. Your word is your bond; once you lose that you lose your dignity. And always remember that the choices you make determine who you are, and when a choice involves your conscience, the choice is yours alone.”

Wow! He is one great salmon, I thought as I embraced his parting knowledge. Is my journey over? No . . . somehow, I knew . . .  it had just begun.

How does catching a world record 103-pound king salmon change the life of Deyoung Smolts, a young salesman in desperate need of help?

To find out, immerse yourself in the amazing underwater world of Sal, king of the king salmon, and Master Cohosaki, a mystic blind salmon from the Far East.

Learn more about sales, life, and yourself than most will learn in a lifetime as Sal and Master Cohosaki help Deyoung, a struggling young man, become a top producer and a better human being.

How do they do it? Sit back, learn, and enjoy the journey.

Magic and wisdom can be found at the water’s edge.

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