The Elements of Staying Safe


CHRISTINA RONDEAU is a champion kickboxer, a training guru, and the founder of Rhode Island-based Rondeau’s Kickboxing. She recently released a fitness kickboxing video, and her second book on safety, Power Parent, will be available soon. Christina was recently chosen to appear on The World Combat League, a new television show created by Chuck Norris. Please visit her website at for more information.

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Are you tired of feeling vulnerable? The Elements of Staying Safe teaches women how to protect themselves in a variety of situations, from navigating a parking lot alone at night, to staying at a hotel, to securing one’s home. With real-life stories and clear-cut tips, self-defense expert Christina Rondeau covers:

  • Signs of danger
  • Staying in tune with your environment
  • Physical self-defense
  • Mental self-defense
  • Trusting your intuition
  • Countering verbal harassment
  • Keeping your kids safe
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