Down the Ages: Journey of a Healer


Doris Schatz and Gerhard Kluegl

Since 1988 Gerhard Kluegl has been a full time aura surgeon and conducts workshops and private healing sessions with doctors and naturopathic physicians in Europe. He has seen and helped thousands of people and has achieved international recognition, including the European Healing Prize in 2005. Kluegl has been the subject of several documentaries and films in Europe and is much in demand for healings and workshops. He lives in Liechteinstein and has an office in Switzerland.

Gerhard’s first book, Quantenland, was written in cooperation with Tom Fritze, and published by Arkana Verlag in 2012.

Doris Schatz has worked as a secretary, paralegal, past life regression hypnotist, musician, English teacher, business manager, and real estate broker.

Now retired and living in Arizona, she researches energy healing, reincarnation, and mediumship. Her other hobbies are music, reading, and genealogy. She is very interested in reincarnation along DNA lines, and would like to see more research in this area. Down the Ages is her first book based on her friendship with Gerhard and personal observation of his abilities.

SKU: 9781627870252 Category:


Doris Schatz spent much of her adult life reading up on the occult, attending psychic development groups, and discovering her own spiritual gifts. But nothing prepared her for Gerhard Kluegl, a man she met after he saved the life of a dying friend.

Gerhard is a healer—the leading aura surgeon in Europe. Repairing the physical damage from past-life experiences, he helps patients who have gotten no relief from Western medicine. Some of the recoveries Gerhard has enabled are nothing short of miraculous:

  • replacing ovaries that have been surgically removed
  • repairing heart muscles
  • removing tonsils
  • straightening spines
  • … and much more

In Down the Ages: Journey of a Healer, Doris introduces Gerhard Kluegl to an American audience for the first time. His story sheds light on the unseen forces that so often go unacknowledged in today’s society.

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