
27 June, 2017

New Guide to Weight Loss Now Available

By |2023-06-09T10:56:50-07:00June 27, 2017|News, Publishing|Comments Off on New Guide to Weight Loss Now Available

Tucson, AZ – June 27, 2017 — Wheatmark, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Immaculate Consumption: The Path to Lifelong Weight Management by Deena Solomon. This program approaches weight loss scientifically and in a refreshing new light.

Did you know that the $600 billion-a-year global weight loss industry has a 95 percent failure rate for weight loss sustainability?

Immaculate Consumption: The Path to Lifelong Weight Management offers a scientifically based weight loss program designed to empower dieters to achieve long-lasting results. After years of yo-yo dieting and spinning wheels trying various commercial diets, author Deena Solomon was unhealthy and emotionally disheartened. She realized the traditional weight loss methodology — blind adherence to rules, forbidden foods, mandatory compliance — failed to adequately prepare dieters to adapt to the ever-changing temptations, often leading to an unrecoverable relapse.

The Immaculate Consumption method is […]

28 April, 2017

Publisher Wheatmark Announces Release of New Western Novel

By |2023-06-09T10:56:51-07:00April 28, 2017|News, Publishing|Comments Off on Publisher Wheatmark Announces Release of New Western Novel

Beyond BedrockTucson, AZ – April 28, 2017 — Wheatmark, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Beyond Bedrock by W. L. Jardine. This exciting Western tale follows the stories of three brave women as they face countless challenges.

The Old West is a harsh place for women, even under the best of circumstances. But when Jenny, Belle, and Beatrice find themselves fighting desperate situations beyond their control, they show a caliber of strength that only the worst of times can bring out. Jenny witnesses the gruesome death of her parents. Belle escapes Baltimore’s poverty while reluctantly leaving behind her quarantined mother. And Beatrice finds the courage to abandon her abusive father and hateful brothers.

Their stories eventually intersect in Colorado, but not before they encounter a variety dangers and colorful characters, including Native Americans, former slaves, and a young runaway. They are […]

20 April, 2017

Latest Autobiography a Journey of Courage

By |2023-06-09T10:56:52-07:00April 20, 2017|News, Publishing|Comments Off on Latest Autobiography a Journey of Courage

Underneath It AllTucson, AZ – April 20, 2017 — Wheatmark, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Underneath It All: A Collection of Memoirs by Margaret Hatcher. This book takes us on a journey from fear to courage through the author’s eyes.

Margaret Hatcher was a wounded, wordless child who cried when her classmates made fun of her and put on a brave face for a mother who struggled with acute depression. As life presented her with new experiences, she slowly let go of her fearfulness, becoming an acclaimed educator who won numerous national awards, a national speaker, writer, and visual artist. Underneath It All: A Collection of Memoirs shows snapshots of her evolution: Flying out of a giant tree. A Long John Silver’s out-of-body experience. Rehab with an ex-Marine. Honorable closure. Throughout, Hatcher shares her deep love of the places that […]

27 February, 2017

Tucson Festival of Books

By |2018-03-29T11:09:20-07:00February 27, 2017|News|Comments Off on Tucson Festival of Books

Tucson Happenings

It is that time of year again where authors, readers, and publishers take over the University of Arizona campus to celebrate books and the art of writing. March 11-12, the Tucson Festival of Books will be in full swing, and if you have never attended before then this is your year!

Since its Tucson debut in 2009, the festival has grown to one of the most notable book fairs in the nation boasting over 350 participating authors in presentations and workshops attracting a diverse range of attendees. Whether you are looking for programming for children and teens, panels by best-selling and emerging authors, culturally diverse programs, exhibitor booths or a variety of food options, there is something for everyone at the Tucson Festival of Books.

This year, Wheatmark will be a featured exhibitor with several of our own authors […]

26 January, 2017

Crime: Truth and Fiction

By |2023-06-09T11:08:09-07:00January 26, 2017|News, Publishing|Comments Off on Crime: Truth and Fiction

Fans of crime fiction and true crime: I’d like to draw your attention to two award-winning authors who’ve recently published two exciting new books.

Duke Southard is a First Place winner of the 85th Annual (2016) “Writer’s Digest” Writing Competition, a finalist of the 2016 Tucson Festival of Books Literary Awards, and a finalist of the 2015 Indie Publisher Next Generation Book Awards, to list just some of his accolades.

Southard’s new book Cracks in the Wall (Wheatmark, 2016) is a suspense novel in the Parker Havenot Police Detective Series. The plot centers on the murder of a young mother of three in a quiet suburban town in what appears be an open-and-shut case. Detective Havenot, however, is not so sure, suspecting that the key to the murder lies somewhere in the victim’s past. This book is a fantastic fast-paced read from the first page to the surprising […]

13 December, 2016

New Year, New Digs!

By |2018-03-29T11:09:20-07:00December 13, 2016|News|Comments Off on New Year, New Digs!

Nothing spells the new year and a bright outlook than a move into newly remodeled offices in the city center. We recently bid farewell to our old corporate center by Tucson’s Rillito River on River Road near Campbell Avenue. While it was a great and easily accessible location for many of our local authors, many of you had found it difficult at first to find our exact suite in a myriad of similar-looking buildings and suites!

Well, we’re in a corporate jungle no longer!

Our publishing company, now in its 17th year, just moved a couple of miles south to Speedway Boulevard near Campbell Avenue by the Aloft Hotel near the University of Arizona.

Our new address is 2030 East Speedway Boulevard, Suite 106, Tucson, Arizona 85719, located in the Sun Building. You will no longer get lost looking for our suite, I can guarantee that!

If you’re local or are visiting Tucson, we […]

6 October, 2016

‘Tis the Season . . . for Author Ordering

By |2023-06-09T10:59:57-07:00October 6, 2016|News, Publishing|Comments Off on ‘Tis the Season . . . for Author Ordering

It is hard to believe that another year is already winding down, which means that the holiday season is right around the corner. As the hustle and bustle of life begins to ramp up the closer we approach Thanksgiving and Christmas, it is normal to try and get ahead on our holiday shopping. The quest to find the perfect gifts for the ones we love is often an annual tradition of fighting traffic, battling unending lines and searching for the best deals, while never feeling completely satisfied with your final choice.

For our authors who want to avoid the shopping chaos, what could be better than giving someone the gift of reading? While I may be biased, I believe books can be some of the most cherished presents, particularly when the giver is the writer. Some of the most precious gifts I have received have been personally created or designed by […]

12 October, 2015

How big is your audience?

By |2023-06-09T11:10:07-07:00October 12, 2015|Marketing, News, Publishing, Resources|Comments Off on How big is your audience?

A few years ago I had a weekend evening to myself, and decided to go to a play. I found a performance of the 1983 Pulitzer Prize-winning ‘night Mother by Marsha Norman showing at the Tucson Temple of Music and Art.

I arrived very early, so I wasn’t surprised that there was only one other person in the audience, but was surprised when no one else showed up. The play started, and I thought to myself: “Now I am stuck here, even if the performance is terrible. I’m 50% of the audience. I can’t just stand up and walk out.” That turned out not to be a problem. The performance was completely engrossing.

‘night Mother is a two-hour play with only two actors. I can’t even begin to imagine what it took for the actors to sustain the emotional intensity that they exhibited for those two hours, let alone what it took […]

22 September, 2015

The World’s Worst Ebook Artwork

By |2023-06-09T11:10:46-07:00September 22, 2015|Authors Academy, Marketing, News|Comments Off on The World’s Worst Ebook Artwork

Wheatmark client and Authors Academy member Bill Corbett sent me the link to this sobering article the other day.

It talks about how the digital era has led to a decline in income for authors.

The article cites a number of reasons for this, but another one (which the article doesn’t discuss) is increased competition.

According to recent numbers I’ve seen, there are now more than 4,500 books published every day.

That’s a heck of a lot of books vying for readers’ attention!

How do you compete with all those titles? One great way is to submit your book to—and win—contests.

But—and you can see this one coming—with all those books being published each day, far more books than ever before are being submitted to contests for consideration.

How do you ensure your book has a good chance of standing out from the crowd and getting recognized?

Some tips are obvious. Don’t make this mistake.

But there […]

3 July, 2015

“The U.S. is on the brink of total collapse…”

By |2016-08-02T10:13:37-07:00July 3, 2015|News|Comments Off on “The U.S. is on the brink of total collapse…”

“The United States is on the brink of total collapse. The military has been reduced to near extinction, economic turmoil saps hope, and anarchy threatens as world powers hover like vultures, eager to devour the remains.”

Sounds like the premise of the latest Hollywood sci-fi blockbuster coming to a theater near you this weekend, doesn’t it?

It’s not.

For many of us, the 4th of July holiday weekend means long days spent barbecuing and lounging by the pool.

In Arizona it’s always blazing hot—so hot that sometimes it’s even too hot to lounge by the pool!

So we’ll often go to the movies instead to escape the heat.

With so much fun to be had, it’s easy to forget why we take time out to celebrate in the first place.

In fact, I’ve received quite a few emails the last couple of days admonishing me not to take the freedoms we enjoy for granted.

I’ll spare you all […]

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