
27 June, 2017

New Guide to Weight Loss Now Available

By |2023-06-09T10:56:50-07:00June 27, 2017|News, Publishing|Comments Off on New Guide to Weight Loss Now Available

Tucson, AZ – June 27, 2017 — Wheatmark, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Immaculate Consumption: The Path to Lifelong Weight Management by Deena Solomon. This program approaches weight loss scientifically and in a refreshing new light.

Did you know that the $600 billion-a-year global weight loss industry has a 95 percent failure rate for weight loss sustainability?

Immaculate Consumption: The Path to Lifelong Weight Management offers a scientifically based weight loss program designed to empower dieters to achieve long-lasting results. After years of yo-yo dieting and spinning wheels trying various commercial diets, author Deena Solomon was unhealthy and emotionally disheartened. She realized the traditional weight loss methodology — blind adherence to rules, forbidden foods, mandatory compliance — failed to adequately prepare dieters to adapt to the ever-changing temptations, often leading to an unrecoverable relapse.

The Immaculate Consumption method is […]

28 April, 2017

Publisher Wheatmark Announces Release of New Western Novel

By |2023-06-09T10:56:51-07:00April 28, 2017|News, Publishing|Comments Off on Publisher Wheatmark Announces Release of New Western Novel

Beyond BedrockTucson, AZ – April 28, 2017 — Wheatmark, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Beyond Bedrock by W. L. Jardine. This exciting Western tale follows the stories of three brave women as they face countless challenges.

The Old West is a harsh place for women, even under the best of circumstances. But when Jenny, Belle, and Beatrice find themselves fighting desperate situations beyond their control, they show a caliber of strength that only the worst of times can bring out. Jenny witnesses the gruesome death of her parents. Belle escapes Baltimore’s poverty while reluctantly leaving behind her quarantined mother. And Beatrice finds the courage to abandon her abusive father and hateful brothers.

Their stories eventually intersect in Colorado, but not before they encounter a variety dangers and colorful characters, including Native Americans, former slaves, and a young runaway. They are […]

20 April, 2017

Latest Autobiography a Journey of Courage

By |2023-06-09T10:56:52-07:00April 20, 2017|News, Publishing|Comments Off on Latest Autobiography a Journey of Courage

Underneath It AllTucson, AZ – April 20, 2017 — Wheatmark, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of Underneath It All: A Collection of Memoirs by Margaret Hatcher. This book takes us on a journey from fear to courage through the author’s eyes.

Margaret Hatcher was a wounded, wordless child who cried when her classmates made fun of her and put on a brave face for a mother who struggled with acute depression. As life presented her with new experiences, she slowly let go of her fearfulness, becoming an acclaimed educator who won numerous national awards, a national speaker, writer, and visual artist. Underneath It All: A Collection of Memoirs shows snapshots of her evolution: Flying out of a giant tree. A Long John Silver’s out-of-body experience. Rehab with an ex-Marine. Honorable closure. Throughout, Hatcher shares her deep love of the places that […]

15 March, 2017

The Power of the Reviewer’s Pen

By |2023-06-09T11:07:51-07:00March 15, 2017|Marketing, Publishing, Resources|Comments Off on The Power of the Reviewer’s Pen

MarthersBookPeriodically I call one of our authors with a better-selling book and chat with them about their book marketing efforts, and what they believe is responsible for their sales success. I had one such conversation recently with Janet Marthers (janetmarthers. com), the lead author of Follow Your Interests to Find the Right College (ISBN: 9781627872621). The book is different from other college guides in that it uses students’ interests, both academic and non-academics, as the primary tool to help them navigate the college selection process, and discover colleges and opportunities that they might otherwise overlook. If you or someone you know is evaluating colleges, I highly recommend that you check out this unique book.

Follow Your Interests to Find the Right College was published in December of 2015. In March 2016 Forbes interviewed Marthers about the book, and she noticed […]

26 January, 2017

Crime: Truth and Fiction

By |2023-06-09T11:08:09-07:00January 26, 2017|News, Publishing|Comments Off on Crime: Truth and Fiction

Fans of crime fiction and true crime: I’d like to draw your attention to two award-winning authors who’ve recently published two exciting new books.

Duke Southard is a First Place winner of the 85th Annual (2016) “Writer’s Digest” Writing Competition, a finalist of the 2016 Tucson Festival of Books Literary Awards, and a finalist of the 2015 Indie Publisher Next Generation Book Awards, to list just some of his accolades.

Southard’s new book Cracks in the Wall (Wheatmark, 2016) is a suspense novel in the Parker Havenot Police Detective Series. The plot centers on the murder of a young mother of three in a quiet suburban town in what appears be an open-and-shut case. Detective Havenot, however, is not so sure, suspecting that the key to the murder lies somewhere in the victim’s past. This book is a fantastic fast-paced read from the first page to the surprising […]

1 December, 2016

What Is Hybrid Publishing?

By |2023-06-09T10:59:37-07:00December 1, 2016|Authors Academy, Publishing|Comments Off on What Is Hybrid Publishing?

There’s a lot of buzz about hybrid publishing in the writing and publishing communities, coupled with an equal amount of misunderstanding and confusion. Not surprising. As the name suggests, hybrid publishing is a cross between traditional and indie publishing, incorporating some features of each. There are a wide variety of hybrid publishing business models, depending on which features are incorporated. Here are some of the features to watch for when evaluating a hybrid publisher:


The best hybrid publishers do the high-level editorial work that traditional publishers do: Screening submissions and accepting only those of merit with a reasonably large potential market, and working closely with authors on design and editing to create the best books possible.


Nearly all hybrid publishers require the author to finance all or part of the publishing, editorial, and marketing costs, usually through the payment of upfront fees.


Some hybrid publishers want an exclusive license to sell your book, […]

6 October, 2016

‘Tis the Season . . . for Author Ordering

By |2023-06-09T10:59:57-07:00October 6, 2016|News, Publishing|Comments Off on ‘Tis the Season . . . for Author Ordering

It is hard to believe that another year is already winding down, which means that the holiday season is right around the corner. As the hustle and bustle of life begins to ramp up the closer we approach Thanksgiving and Christmas, it is normal to try and get ahead on our holiday shopping. The quest to find the perfect gifts for the ones we love is often an annual tradition of fighting traffic, battling unending lines and searching for the best deals, while never feeling completely satisfied with your final choice.

For our authors who want to avoid the shopping chaos, what could be better than giving someone the gift of reading? While I may be biased, I believe books can be some of the most cherished presents, particularly when the giver is the writer. Some of the most precious gifts I have received have been personally created or designed by […]

22 August, 2016

Yes, you can become an author!

By |2023-06-09T11:00:33-07:00August 22, 2016|Publishing, Resources, Writing|Comments Off on Yes, you can become an author!

Writing is simply a number of sentences strung together. Remember the paper chains that you made as a child? One slip of paper rolled and wrapped around another until a chain was formed that stretched from one end of the room to the other. That’s how you write your book.

Create small, manageable writing goals. Start by just writing a single paragraph. That’s all. Just one simple paragraph. You can do that, right? If so, your first goal has just been accomplished!

As a writer, it’s easy to get swamped by the mountain of things to do before your book gets finished. Add to that the burden authors today must carry of promoting and marketing their books, and it is so easy to get discouraged.

There is a solution, however! It’s simply this: Create small goals that can be easily accomplished. A friend once shared with me her story on her experience of […]

3 August, 2016


By |2023-06-09T11:00:39-07:00August 3, 2016|Publishing, Resources|Comments Off on Convergence

For years I’ve given a talk called “Three Ways to Publish,” in which I describe the three main paths to publication: selling your book to a rights-buying “traditional” publisher, hiring a publishing services firm like Wheatmark to publish your book, or starting a publishing company of your own (self-publishing). Over the past few years the lines between these paths have become increasingly blurred:

  • The largest retailer of books in the world, Amazon, carries nearly every traditionally and self-published book equally
  • Authors with successful self-published books are often picked up by traditional publishing houses
  • Successful authors often dump their traditional publishing houses in favor of going “indie”
  • Publicists, editors, agents, and book marketing professionals who used to work exclusively for traditional publishers now routinely offer their services to publishing services firms and indie authors

Another way the lines are blurring is that savvy indie authors and publishing services firms are adopting the […]

5 April, 2016

Price your book to make a profit

By |2023-06-09T11:00:53-07:00April 5, 2016|Publishing, Resources|Comments Off on Price your book to make a profit

There’s plenty of discussion about the retail pricing of independently published books, most of it centered on self-publishing book companies setting list prices too high. I get frustrated when industry experts write that these higher prices are a problem, without offering any evidence that this is the case. In the absence of price sensitivity studies, or of testing book sales at different price points, the “experts” are simply offering a guess based on their experience. I suspect that their experience comes from pricing books for the brick-and-mortar bookstore market. What a company like Barnes & Noble suggests for list prices for their stores isn’t necessarily right for a self-published books that will primarily be sold through online bookstores.

The online book sales market is, in fact, such a new market that it is unclear what pricing strategies are most advantageous to book sales.

In the absence of hard data, how should you […]

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