3 ways to identify your audience before you publish a book
The first thing you must know before you decide how to publish your book is the age of your target audience.
If your audience is below 18 or over 50, paperback or hardback is still a more viable option.
An article from the 2012 Pew Internet & American Life Project stated that “those who read e-books are more likely to be under age 50, have some college education, and live in households earning more than $50,000.”
Does that fit your target market? Although it is certainly cheaper and faster to go digital, if that’s not where your market is you won’t make many sales.
Children’s books, especially picture books or read-a-loud books, are best in a print format.
While more and more readers are turning to digital readers it may not necessarily be where your audience is. So even though print book sales dropped by more than 9 percent in 2011 and […]